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Это не может быть пассивным оборудованием, имхо. Во II слот ещё куда не шло - включаешь его на какое-то время, ценой энергии конденсатора.

Пересечение места положения курсора и траектории ракетной установки можно, наверное, считать методом итераций на стороне игрока - это вряд-ли потребует много вычислений.

На них уже висит поворот с последующим включением двигателя. Да в общем без разницы какие две соседние кнопки взять, важен принцип - навел курсор, нажал кнопку - и в точку курсора перемещается прицел соседнего орудия.

Мне кажется, лучше ввести новое оборудование - губозакаточную машинку, это разом решит многие проблемы :)

Pilot's guide: how to fight on a corvette with most powerful alien hunters.

(Translated from russian. I know what my translation is not flawless, but it is better than nothing)

Greetings, Pilot! In this short article you will learn how to successfully fight on a corvette with the strongest alien hunters.

In my opinion, the easiest and fastest way to start earning a lot of silver and experience on a corvette is as follows:

Let's start with purchase of Ukrainian corvette. It has great maneuvrability and radar range - they will be very useful to us.

Buy the following equipment: afterburner, micro-jump drive and capacitor  booster with l1 charges. This set of equipment is most suitable for our tactics. In the future, you can try to put onboard two afterburners and a capacitor booster - it's also a useful combination, but unfortunately in a difficult situation it will be harder to survive without micro-jump drive.

We need missile launchers of level 3 or 4, but initially it is easier to buy two l3 launchers, eventually replacing them with l4.

Also we need some torpedoes. l5 torpedoes is most suitable for our tactics, but if you have still not enough free experience to buy them, then you can start with l4 or even l3 torpedoes. Level 1 and 2 torpedoes are not so powerfull, level 6 torpedoes will cost too much.

Torpedoes definitely need to be improved in the "tuning" section. I recommend to increase at least to level 7 their flight acceleration, damage, radius of detonation and radius of explosion, volume (not the storage volume but the one inside the missile launcher). Why to level 7? It will not cost too much, but over time, as you will have plenty of silver, you could tune this parameters up to level 10.

For torpedoes l5 and l6 you may need to improve minimal signature of detonation also, it will depend on types of enemy vessels you are going to fight. We will consider them later.

What to do with the core equipment of the ship? We have basic equipment, and it should be improved as we will gather more experience and silver to buy it. I would prioritize as follows: first buy best main thruster, then best capacitor, then sensors. All other improvements are not very significant at this moment.

You're almost ready to go! Now talk about combat tactics.

We are interested in fighting foes which could be met on the orbits of Neptune and Orc:  Bomber D, Fighter D, Bomber E and less in fighting with Bomber F.

Why only these foes, there are plenty of other smaller ships flying around? The answer is simple - these four types of vessels has sufficient signatures in order to bring them down with torpedoes, and they will give us the most experience, silver and precious loot in the wreckage.

Let's consider how to behave during combat with these alien ships.

All heavy alien ships tend to get away from torpedoes launched at them to the side, and at the same time they try to fly closer to the nearest pilot. If there are no allies around, bots will fly in your direction. When an alien ship begins evasive maneuver, you can release a second torpedo - it will be difficult for an alien ship to avoid it. Most difficult alien ships are of type Fighter D - they have huge acceleration while using afterburner. But they are still  vulnerable - because the faster they fly, the harder it became for them to turn away from your torpedoes.

For class D ships it is usually enough 3 to 4 torpedoes l5, for class E ships - around 8. For this reason that I would not recommend to choose Bombers F as your aim - it has too much shields to take it down with the amount of ammunition what you can carry inside your missile launchers. Dead enemies will bring you more silver and experience than live ones.

In wrecks of your foes you will sometimes find expensive loot. Selling this loot is an excellent source of silver. Remember that you can pick up loot fom a wreckage for a short time after you kill an alien hunter, after some time loot will disappear!

Fire as fast as you can, ideally just after reload of your launchers. This is due to the fact that alien ships quickly restore their shields.

In my view, you should not shoot two torpedoes at the same moment - if a hunter will wander, both torpedoes will cause less damage than they would inflict separetely. Also, one torpedo in that case explodes another. So shoot second one ater a short break, about a second or two.

Try not to stay close to the enemy, take him from some distance. In close combat against any of the big alien ships you have almost no chance.

Foes will shoot plasma balls (in game mechanics they are quite just like rockets), and you have to learn how to dodge them. If a ball is flying at you from a distance - it is easier to dodge using an afterburner. If afterburner is clearly not able to save you from the ball - use a micro-jump drive.

Do not worry if you will be shot down - this will happen quite often. This is not terrible, but it will be much better if you will fly back to the base as a whole ship, not in a form of space debris.

What to do with smaller ships which you can not bring down with your torpedoes? Fly away from them! Alien ships haunt you, but they constantly adjust their course and do not chase after you using afterburner. As a result it is relatively easy to fly away from them . The most dangerous to you is an F-Interceptor A because of its high speed and aggressive behaviour.

You flew to warp gate and ready to make hyper-jump somhere in an area with heavy foes, what to expect? Prepare to use quickly your micro-jump right after you will appear there, then turn on your afterburner and fly away to a safe distance from the entrance point. Why? Because right under your nose there might be a couple of hunters, and they can almost immediately shoot at you. When you're on a safe distance, you can start haunting a big foe.

That's all. Now you can feel free to fight on your corvette against the strongest alien ships! 

Good luck, Pilot!

Ну что же, вот и прошла сотня-другая групповых боёв. Лично я ЭМИ-пушками в них не смог воспользоваться ни разу, как, впрочем, ни разу не видел, чтобы кто-то их использовал при мне. Вернёмся к этой теме?

Мне кажется, с щитами - не лучшая идея. Вот информаторы - у них щиты и генераторы л5, при этом расширителей щитов влезает больше чем в других классах. Ну станет у них щит пополняться также быстро, как у ботов, и как с таким монстром бороться в ПВП?

Круче, если бы генератор позволял оружию и оборудованию работать "с перегрузкой" - то есть, если резервов генератора хватает - лазерам палить дальше, форсажу давать большую прибавку в ускорении, ракетницам л5 придавать большую начальную скорость ракетам, рельсотрону сильнее разгонять болванку и тому подобное.

И, да, у нас есть вообще не нужное оборудование - связь. Вот с ней точно нужно что-то делать. Можно заменить её на какую-нибудь систему, которая будет нужна в бою, с сохранением специализаций. Например, на робота, обеспечивающего перзарядку снарядов из трюма, или на робота, который будет понемногу ремонтировать броню и корпус.

Can you describe your problem in more detail? What do you do exactly?

У меня два корвета любимых - русский и украинский, казалось бы, полные антиподы в плане ускорения, ан нет, разница едва ощутима.

Улететь можно, но сложнее стало - это факт. Микро-прыжок на полное расстояние в сторону от ботов, активация бустера конденсатора, потом форсаж - так можно уйти, хотя раз на раз не приходится.

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